Tuesday, February 12, 2008

conyers not dingell

one of the problems with our current political situation is that our political scene is so scandal-ridden that concerned private citizens cannot master the details of all they would follow. in class yesterday i mispoke: i said that john dingell, a US rep from michigan, was considering starting impeachment proceedings. it wasn't dingell, rather it was john conyers, also a US rep from michigan. here's a link to a story:


I was referring to the third paragraph of this story in connecting it to the interactive graphic seen in class displaying interlocking corporate power. Here is that paragraph:

'Conyers expressed fear of what might happen following an impeachment, fear of installing a Bush replacement or losing an election. The “corporate power structure”, he said, would not allow impeachment without unleashing “blowback.” Conyers told Ellen Taylor and Manijeh Saba: “You need to be more than brave and courageous. You need to be smart.”'

the us senate has now voted to give the telecoms immunity for violating the law when they cooperated with illegal federal requests for assistance with illegal surveillance. the senate has been bought & paid for with corporate money. the board members of those corporations are the unelected pullers of the levers of power now. don't bother saluting the flag; salute the bosses.

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